Tag: sensible sun light exposure

How to get back in sync with your body’s need for sleep . . .

How to get back in sync with your body’s need for sleep . . .

If you are like many people, the shift in time and “springing our clocks forward” with the passing of day light savings time arrived with a loss of an hour of sleep, a decrease in energy, forgetting important meetings you had planned to attend and the inconvenience of having your day hit by an unexpected…

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mitochondria melatonin sleep sensible sun light exposure Miami psychologist Miami holistic health coach

How to rekindle the fire that burns inside . . .

You are fundamentally an energetic being and you respond to your environment.  Every cell in your body has organelles known as mitochondria that extract nutrients from the foods that you eat and make energy though a biochemical process known as cellular respiration.  These energy “power plants” are more accurately defined as ancient microbes that have…

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Mental Health Tips for Coping with Seasonal Depression

The arrival of winter brings with it many emotions, from the joy of the holidays to the anticipation of the first snowfall. However, for many, this season is also shadowed by an underlying battle with their own emotions. The challenge of coping with seasonal depression can cast a pall over the coldest months, making it…

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