If you’re like most people, you spent part of your Memorial Day weekend relaxing and spending time with your family and friends. You may also have spent a good part of this time outdoors either at a beach, park, or backyard cooking and celebrating your day off from work (assuming your city or county has…
Tag: Miami psychologist (Page 5 of 7)

If you’re like the average American, you are probably sleep deprived. Inadequate sleep reduces your concentration, alertness, creativity and performance at work.1,2 It also makes you more prone to make mistakes, feel tired, grouchy, and increases your cravings for sweet and fatty foods.3,4 As a nation, we value doing more and place little emphasis on…

If you’re like many people who experience feelings of sadness, depression or anxiety, you likely get caught up and entangled by your mind’s nasty and critical stories about you and your life. While it is reasonable and may even be natural to acknowledge the circumstances, situations or private experiences that evoke your discomfort or pain,…

If you experience fatigue, irritability, problems concentrating or disturbances in your sleep, you may benefit from a Spring cleaning. Spring is looked upon as a season of renewal and rebirth. Likewise, your low energy, mood swings, sleep disturbances and difficulties concentrating may be indications of a buildup of toxins and need to clean-up your diet…

With the spring season officially having started, our days are now longer and we naturally seek to spend more time outdoors. Modern conveniences (e.g., cars, planes, buildings), work and multiple commitments that demand our attention, however, frequently limit our ability to be outside to enjoy the sun’s radiance and warmth. In the past, our ancestors…

Health and fitness apps are great for tracking health data and sharing stats with friends to stay accountable to your fitness goals. But odds are, you weren’t hoping to share that data with app developers, third-party companies, or hackers. Unfortunately, that may be exactly what’s happening. Not only are fitness apps selling data to third…

If you experience fatigue, irritability, problems concentrating or disturbances in your sleep after indulging on sweets during the holidays, you may benefit from a cleansing. Your low energy, mood swings, sleep disturbances and difficulties concentrating may be indications of a build up of toxins and need to clean-up your body to cleanse and detox. Instead…

If you’re like many people who experience feelings of sadness, depression or anxiety, you likely get caught up and entangled by your mind’s nasty and critical stories about you and your life. While it is reasonable and may even be natural to acknowledge your circumstances, situations or private experiences that evoke your discomfort or pain,…
5G, Wireless Radiation and Health: A Scientific and Policy Update