Tag: Gratitude

5 minute gratitude journal, depression, gratitude, Hoʻoponopono, loneliness, Miami holistic health coach, Miami psychologist, Thanksgiving Day,

How letting go will help you to experience gratitude and love . . .

Traditionally, Thanksgiving Day marks a celebration and expression of gratitude.  Gratitude and the acknowledgment for all of the positive aspects in your life during which you acknowledge your basic needs being met (e.g., a roof over your head to sleep, clean water, food), the material goods in your life, friends, family and loved ones. Several  studies have…

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gratitude,depression, anxiety, substance abuse, Miami psychologist, Miami holistic health coach,

What are you thankful for today?

Gratitude is holding the attitude and expression or acknowledgement of the positive aspects in your life. Acknowledging your basic needs, material goods, friends, family and loved ones.  A simple and easy practice that is customary in many world traditions.   Several psychological studies have found that when you cultivate gratitude you are more likely to…

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anxiety, authentic happiness, depression, flow, gratitude, Miami holistic health coach, Miami psychologist, PERMA model, positive psychology,

How being G.L.A.D. today will lead you to a lifetime of authentic happiness and flourishing tomorrow. . .

If you’re like many people who experience feelings of sadness, depression or anxiety, you likely get caught up and entangled by your mind’s nasty and critical stories about you and your life.  While it is reasonable and may even be natural to acknowledge the circumstances, situations or private experiences that evoke your discomfort or pain,…

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anxiety, depression, gratitude, Miami holistic health coach, Miami psychologist, PERMA model, positive psychology, substance abuse

Are you G.L.A.D. to be alive?

If you’re like many people who experience feelings of sadness, depression or anxiety, you likely get caught up and entangled by your mind’s nasty and critical stories about you and your life.  While it is reasonable and may even be natural to acknowledge your circumstances, situations or private experiences that evoke your discomfort or pain,…

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5 minute gratitude journal. depression, gratitude, Hoʻoponopono, loneliness, Miami holistic health coach, Miami psychologist, Thanksgiving Day,

How letting go will help you to experience gratitude and love . . .

Traditionally, Thanksgiving Day marks a celebration and expression of gratitude.  Gratitude and acknowledgement for all of the positive aspects in your life during which you acknowledge your basic needs being met (e.g., a roof over your head to sleep, clean water, food), the material goods in your life, friends, family and loved ones. Many studies…

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