If you experience bouts of anxiety, worry and depression or you obsess with unproductive and painful thoughts because you’ve experienced trauma (e.g., PTSD), you’ll likely benefit by learning to cultivate and externalize your awareness. You may believe that suppressing what your mind tells you or replacing your mind’s stories with better thoughts or self-affirmations will…
Tag: anxiety (Page 2 of 2)

Several chronic diseases are mediated by your body’s inflammatory response. Conditions such as multiple sclerosis, depression, anxiety, arthritis, obstructive pulmonary disease, cardiovascular disease and even obesity are mediated by chronic inflammation.1, 2,3 When you experience an acute infection or sustain an injury to your body, your immune system mobilizes an inflammatory response to neutralize the…

Gratitude is holding the attitude and expression or acknowledgement of the positive aspects in your life. Acknowledging your basic needs, material goods, friends, family and loved ones. A simple and easy practice that is customary in many world traditions. Several psychological studies have found that when you cultivate gratitude you are more likely to…

If you’re like many people who experience feelings of sadness, depression or anxiety, you likely get caught up and entangled by your mind’s nasty and critical stories about you and your life. While it is reasonable and may even be natural to acknowledge the circumstances, situations or private experiences that evoke your discomfort or pain,…

If you’re like many people who experience feelings of sadness, depression or anxiety, you likely get caught up and entangled by your mind’s nasty and critical stories about you and your life. While it is reasonable and may even be natural to acknowledge your circumstances, situations or private experiences that evoke your discomfort or pain,…
5G, Wireless Radiation and Health: A Scientific and Policy Update

If you’re like many people at this time of year, you probably dislike the looming end of your “summer vacation,” the fun and travel and your return to school, your job and your increased commute. You may also have your share of difficult or even painful experiences in the form of financial worries or feelings…

You may face situations that are challenging and perhaps even overwhelming each day. You may be “tested” at the expense of your inner peace and personal resources. Illness, the loss of loved ones and simple everyday experiences like bumper to bumper traffic can provoke feelings of pain, sadness, anxiety and anger. Such experiences not only…

If you’re reading my blog, you’re probably not fully aware of what is happening right now and you are distracted by a torrent of thoughts and feelings. Researchers from Harvard University have found that people spend 46.9% of their waking time thinking about something other than what they’re doing and that this generally leads to…